Opponents revealed everything. KIA is an absolute secret? "I've given you all the tips."

Opponents revealed everything. KIA is an absolute secret? "I've given you all the tips."

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The defending champion KIA Tigers will mark the opening game of the regular season on the 22nd at home of Kia Champions Field in Gwangju. After playing two consecutive home games against the NC Dinos on the 22nd and 23rd, they will take a day off and play three consecutive games against the Kiwoom Heroes in Gwangju again. For the opposing teams, it is a rather burdensome situation to meet last year's winning team from the start of the season, and KIA is also a nervous stage that can show whether it is actually winning this year after winning last year.토토사이트

NC, the opponent team in the opening two consecutive games, revealed its starting pitcher first. Lee Ho-joon of NC Dinosaurs also had a lot of thoughts. After agonizing over whether to use only one foreign pitcher and send a Korean player to the match against KIA or change the rotation, Lee finally made the decision. "We have decided on the starting pitcher for the opening game. I'm thinking about Logan Allen," Lee Ho-joon told reporters ahead of the exhibition game against the LG Twins in Jamsil on Tuesday. "I was going to decide after seeing Logan and Riley Thompson throw the second time, but I couldn't throw it because it was canceled due to rain on the day Logan was supposed to throw."
Logan was also concerned because his ball power did not rise until the end of the spring camp, but in the exhibition game, he checked his normal condition with two hits, three strikeouts, four walks and one run in three innings against the Kiwoom Heroes on the 8th. Arrest and ball power were also higher than feared. Coach Lee Ho-joon said, "When we first brought Logan in, we decided to issue him first and recruited him. We decided to start Logan first and start Riley second," signaling that Logan and Riley will take the mound in order in the opening two consecutive games against KIA.
On the other hand, Kia has yet to clearly announce its starting pitcher. However, the team gave him a hint. Chances are high that James Nail will take the mound in the opening game and Adam Oller will take the mound on the first day of three consecutive games against Kiwoom, not the second one in the opening game. If so, Yang will play in the second game against NC. "There will be a time when we can announce the starting pitcher sometime this week," Kia manager Lee Bum-ho told reporters on Wednesday, "We will not likely be two foreign pitchers (in the opening game). I think we have given you all the tips."
There is a reason: "The pitcher who throws on Tuesday has to throw again on Sunday." If Yang takes the mound on the first day of the series against Kiwoom, he will have to take the mound again that Sunday after a four-day break against the Hanwha Eagles in an away game in Daejeon. To lessen this physical burden, he is expected to swap the order in which Yang and Oler take the mound.

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